Creating Dr Doctor

Posted by Nicolas Marini on November 5, 2019

I have finally completed my last project for Flatiron School and I am very proud of what I have created. My app allows a user to view a list of 100 doctors from Boston, Massachusetts with varying bavckgrounds. I utilized React and Redux for my frontend and Ruby on Rails for my backend. I also used an API from Better Doctors to get the doctor information for my app.

While working on this app, I was able to utilize all of my knowlege that I gained at Flatiron. I had not worked with Ruby and the Rails framework ever since I had started the React section in my Flatiron program. I was worried that when I started coding my backend I would have a lot of issues remembering the syntax, but it felt a lot more natural than I expected switching back and forth between coding in my React frontend or my Rails backend.

Towards the end of the React section, Flatiron introduced the concepts of Routes and Thunk, but only briefly. I felt unsure if I fully understood the concepts, but as I tried to work them into my project I started to understand them in a richer way. Implementing routes into my React app was a lot easier than I had anticipated, and and gave my one-page app the feel of multiple views. Using Thunk allowed my app to make fetch requests to another API without causing my app to break, giving my app more functionality than it had before.

My Dr. Doctor app is the culmination of everything I have learned at Flatiron School, and I believe it also has a lot of utility for others. I believe an important aspect of programming is providing the user with some better quality of living. After completing my application, I can confidently say that Dr. Doctor can provide others with important and useful information to help them improve their own lives.