
My thoughts on programming and technology in general.

React Component Lifecycles - pt 3 – Lifecycle Methods

React Components can be either Functional Components or Class Components. One of the differences between the two styles of components is that Class components have access to lifecycle methods and Functional components do not.

React Component Lifecycles - pt 2 – Lifecycle Hooks and Rendering

To ensure that the app can quickly react and update when needed, React Components are equipped with lifecycle hooks or lifecycle methods. These methods give the developer opportunities to change how the component behaves throughout different points in the component’s lifecycle.

React Component Lifecycle - pt 1 - Props and State

In the React JS framework, developers utilize React Components in order to create a React based application.

Object-Oriented Programming

The basic principle of Object-oriented programming (OOP) is to wrap both logic and data into one unit called an object. The OOP paradigm was a reaction to large scale, complex software systems that became difficult to manage. As applications grew more complex, they also grew more difficult to maintain. Attempting to change one piece of the application could break the rest of the application. Programmers needed a way to section off their data so that they could manipulate it without impacting the rest of the application. OOP was introduced as a way to contain data in objects and avoid complex, and difficult to maintain applications.

Why React?

Frameworks are typically made to optimize and standardize the way in which applications are designed.